March 31, 2005

Picasso found

Guernica by Picasso found in a gargabe can in Hamilton, On. Can.

Picasso, Walks and Synchronicity.

There are interesting things that happen on aimless ambles. And our eyes and minds search out what we know out of all the unfamiliar. As you scan the immediate universe on a walk looking for meaning one can come to see and understand the world in a whole new way.
You are constantly bombarded with new situations. You run across things that relate to your own life. Things that place you and your consciousness on the bigger map of the territory you live in. And place the bigger map on your interior territory.
I always seem to find objects on these walks for some reason. And these objects relate mostly to my art making process. I have been doing this for a long time as you can see in my blog entry A REFLECTION. Synchronicity plays the part where my randomness meets my discoveries. There have been amazing coincidences a long my pedestrian journeys. One St. Patrick day I was on a walk in a neighborhood that was once very Irish around one hundred years ago. I happened to look down in the mud at the edge of a church lawn and saw a bit of white pottery. I picked it out of the mud and found it was an Irish clay pipe of the type you see associated with Leprechaun images. I had found a relic appropriate to the day.
The picture above, Guernica by Picasso came to me on one of my wanderings. I was strolling in the Portuguese neighborhood when I saw Guernica jutting out of a garbage can. I was affected by it immediately. This heroic masterpiece by Picasso that is not only massive in significance but also in size made this little dog eared copy seem even more relevant. And that it was soiled and from a home also added to its signification. Since that day about six years ago it has occupied a space on the wall above my oven.
The book in the picture below about Picasso's Guernica was found about a month later at an old book section in a local thrift store. A book not only found in Hamilton but with a forward from a local University. It seems that this arresting creation of Picasso's has now become an event webbing around the globe and into the very fabric of everyday life. A painting that has a life of its own.

To see some of my found object art link to Canadian Porcelain Company or Owen Sound.

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