January 09, 2006


FACT: The public has a genuine interest in other people.

FACT: The public uses people (artists) as a gateway to art.

FACT: The public shows no interest in galleries.

Yet the media promotes the galleries and the galleries promote the art.
How is the public going to find their way into these galleries if they don't have a person (artist) to create a bridge to the work?
If the proven committed artists in the community are not promoted there will be no sustainability for artists, no art community beyond the hobbyist’s, and nothing much for self aggrandizing galleries to do but throw parties for friends.


gravity's rainbow said...

@: Parvati
Thanks you for your thoughtful comments. If I have reached only one person there is change. I have visited your site and can see you are coming from a very informed place. I hope you en/joyed my works on Sculpture Personae. There are too main concerns in philosophy and spirituality one being "being' and the other "becoming." I have been focusing on becomings. Art's becomings according to Delueze and Guattari are percepts and affects. In other words after an encounter with a work of art the viewer changes the way the see the world (irises after Van Gough) and also change the way we feel the world. Art gives us access to a greater understanding of the world around us through the eyes and minds of others. Much greater than the perspectives we can construct alone.

gravity's rainbow said...

I hope to up date this site soon. But in the world of art the blog doesn't take a great priority. I am very involved in creating the new work which takes time then they have to be photographed properly and added to my blog. I have four new pieces to be coated and photographed I thought this would be done two weeks ago but life is not like plans.

yes everything in the universe vibrates and effects change but in art the change is a human one thinking with the mind of others.