June 15, 2004

the wind unleashes the autum leaves, a child's fingers unleash worlds.


name of the rose said...

How beautiful.
Your words convey a wonderufl respect for children.
Amelia Gambetti recently addressed her captive audience
in Toronto with the following...

"How adult is the adult world really - it hides the condition of children?"

"Interpreting dreams and hopes must be part of everyday reality."

"To insure children are liberated, they have to learn to disobey."

gravity's rainbow said...

I appreciate your comments. Amelia Gambetti hits the nail on the head and not the child. Especially the comment about liberating children. I have always taught and acted on a similar adage.
"Think for yourself, question authority." So much of teaching is prescribing techniques and not enough just listening and coaching.
Each child is a complete intelligent being. Like the presents they are they need to be unwrapped not filled up like empty boxes.
Some times the adult world seems like an amusement park of darkness feeding into uncontrolled desires.